I’ve joined a number of Meetup groups in the last few years, including photography and kayaking. Meetup is a way of meeting people who have the same interests. People start of group and advertise what specifically they would like to do with that group, and anyone can join. There are now 28.51 million users worldwide.
Last weekend I went along to my first ‘Sailing and Cruising’ Meetup in Perth. We spent a lovely day sailing to Carnac Island and back. Andrew owns a great 50ft motor sailer called Quattro and goes out most weekends for day trips to Carnac and Garden Islands or overnight weekend trips to Rottnest Island.
Quattro generally holds a maximum of 20 adults plus five children. Crew are expected to take an interest in and learn from more experienced crew how to sail and to contribute the the workload associated with sailing, including gallery (kitchen), and cleaning duties aboard.
I had a great day, met some nice people, and saw some lazy seals….