I’ve always been interested in living with a small footprtint on this world. Back in my Canberra days, I was a member of the Crossroads Medieval Village Cooperative and we were going to build an Ecovillage with a medieval theme outside of Yass, NSW. More of that later…
I’ve recently bought a house with a super-cool garden. It has a massive amount of fruit trees and so much potential to grow more vegetables, have chickens and practice some principles of permaculture. My fruit trees include: nectarine, lime, peach, mango, fig, grapevine, lemon, olive, mandarine, pomegranate, grapefruit and banana!
And recycling. I’m quite anal about this. I say it’s my reason why I have so much stuff. I can’t just throw things in the rubbish and let them go to landfill. That kills me. I have to recycle, reuse, sell or give things away. It’s a never-ending task of mine to declutter. But I’m getting there, slowly.