All things crocodile November 11, 2016November 22, 2016teresa Comment For those who don’t know me well, I am completely fascinated by crocodiles! I mean, they were alive when the dinosaurs roamed the [...]
First Sailing Meetup October 30, 2016November 15, 2016teresa Comment I’ve joined a number of Meetup groups in the last few years, including photography and kayaking. Meetup is a way of meeting people [...]
The spa installation October 30, 2016November 15, 2016teresa Comment So I purchased the newest model ‘Hawaii’ Lay-Z-Spa and spent the last two weeks preparing the ground and installing the spa. I had [...]
WA wildflower trip Day 1 – wreath flowers September 30, 2016November 15, 2016teresa Comment On the 24 September, Teresa G and I set off heading North to see some of the famous WA wildflowers. We left Perth [...]
Why row? September 15, 2016November 15, 2016teresa Comment I had my first taste of rowing back in 1987 as part of our school sport option. We got to choose different sports [...]
My first catch August 23, 2016November 15, 2016teresa Comment Back in late March 2016, I got the chance to travel on Shane’s boat ‘Vanquish’ (a 32 ft Cabo) up to Jurien Bay over [...]